Current Issues


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Recently opened and closed bugs. Limited to 30.
openWeb#2291 PPJ.Web.Reports.LL.49 (List & Labels) fails to set the license string in newer versions of the LL distribution.4.9.14
openWeb#2290 PPJ.Web.Reports.LL.49 (List & Labels) fails to load the report preview as a pdf document.4.9.14
openWeb#2289 XSal.TblSortRows fails to sort numeric and datetime cells.4.9.14
closedWeb#2286 SalListBox.Modified and SalComboBox.Modified are set after firing SAM_Click.4.9.13
closedWeb#2284 VisRadioListBox doesn't show the checkbox icons.4.9.13
closedWeb#2283 VisListBoxBase.AddPicture() doesn't support the selected icon, always shows the normal icon.4.9.13
closedWeb#2280 Repopulating a SalFormTableWindow with automatic columns throws a null reference exception4.9.11
closedDesktop#2279 Sal.ReportPreview() doesn't fire SAM_ReportFinish (Crystal Reports)4.9.11
closedDesktop#2278 Setting a SalDataField to ReadOnly or Disabled doesn't gray out the background.4.9.11
closedWeb#2276 Key Down doesn't work when Table column is PopupEdit/WordWrap4.9.10
closedWeb#2275 Vis.WinGetStyle doesn't return the style (it only returns -1 and 1)4.9.10
closedWeb#2273 Tabbing over a non-editable column in a SalTableWindow tabs out to the next control.4.9.9
closedWeb#2272 CheckBox column cannot be checked or unchecked while processing SAM_AnyEdit.4.9.9
closedWeb#2271 SalCompileAndEvaluate throws an UndefinedSymbolException when calling a method on an interface.4.9.8
closedWeb#2269 Wrong Context in EnabledWhen in a Context Menu on a split table window4.9.7
closedWeb#2268 SalComboBox.IsModified does not correctly handle < or >4.9.7
closedWeb#2266 SalTableWindow.DeleteRow behaves different in PPJ Web as in PPJ Winform4.9.8
closedWeb#2265 Bug PPJ.Web 4.9.5 + Wisej 3.5.3 SalFormWindow Method not found
closedWeb#2260 Data binding code in InitializeComponent() may get removed when designing a SalFormWindow.4.9.5
closedWeb#2259 AllowAutoEditing = true in TBW prevent SAM_Validate to work correctly when editing a cell the second time.4.9.5
closedDesktop#2258 Resizing an XSalToolBox on a scaled display (dpi at 150%) draws the resize line in the wrong location.4.9.5
closedWeb#2255 The ListAndLabel and ReportingServices implementation strip the "s" from bind variables due to a wrong regex escape.4.9.5
closedFramework#2253 Closing a modal dialog in SAM_Create throws an ObjectDisposedException4.9.5
closedWeb#2249 WM_KEYDOWN events are sent only to the current column.4.9.5
closedWeb#2248 WM_SYSKEYDOWN and WM_SYSKEYUP are not fired when pressing Alt keys.4.9.5
closedWeb#2247 WParam is always 0 in WM_KEYDOWN, WM_KEYUP, WM_CHAR messages when pressing control keys Control, Shift, Alt.4.9.5
closedWeb#2245 Literals in the EditMask are shown in empty cells in a SalTableWindow.4.9.5
closedWeb#2244 Setting the COL_Invisible flag in a SalTableColumn has no effect.4.9.5
closedWeb#2243 Inner DataGridView in a SalChildTableWindow may not resize correctly in some cases.4.9.5
closedWeb#2240 Implicit cast from SalNumber to long fails, if number is higher than Int32.MaxValuewontfix4.9.5


Recently opened and closed enhancements. Limited to 30.
closedWeb#2287 Add support for Microsoft.Data.SqlClient4.9.13
closedWeb#2285 XSal.TblSortRows() is not implemented.4.9.13
closedWeb#2282 Deploy PPJWeb for .NET84.9.12
closedWeb#2277 Allow overriding of DataGridViewEx4.9.10
closedWeb#2267 SalTableWindow ReadOnly property behaves differently in PPJWeb than in WinForm.wontfix
closedWeb#2263 Make CSharpParser public.4.9.7
closedWeb#2262 Enhance Sal.GetLabelText() to return the label in the LabelText property if present.4.9.5
closedWeb#2261 Handling WM_KEYUP on a SalDataField receives the Tab key on the field with the initial focus instead the one receiving the focus.4.9.5
closedWeb#2257 Allow a different parser to be used for bind variables and SalCompileAndEvaluate().4.9.5
openWeb#2256 PPJWeb: ListLabel report not displayedNext Release
closedWeb#2254 Add nullable operators to PPJ data types.4.9.5
closedWeb#2252 Add method to create an instance if the internal CSharpParser implementation.4.9.5
closedWeb#2251 Make CreateGridColumn() virtual on SalTableWindowBase to allow the creation of custom column types.4.9.5
closedWeb#2250 ReportFetchNext is slow compared to the original Gupta application.4.9.5
closedWeb#2246 SalTableColumn is missing the EnableSpellChecker property.4.9.5
closedWeb#2232 Expose the inner IDbTransaction for the SqlSql connection.4.9.2
closedWeb#2224 TabCancelEventArgs.Index in SelectedIndexChanging indicates the current index instead of the new index.4.8.160
closedWeb#2221 Add support for multi-page tiff images.4.9.2
openWeb#2219 Enhance Sal.TblPopulate to work on split windowNext Release
closedWeb#2212 Add useOdbRules attribute to to parse special characters using odbrules.4.8.131
closedWeb#2210 ConnectionString with special characters in sql.config (= for example) cannot be used.4.8.131
closedWeb#2203 Add support for Visual Studio 20224.8.96
closedWeb#2197 Add support for Vis.WF_Required4.8.96
closedWeb#2194 Manage CrystalReports print job limit exception: The maximum number of report processing jobs allowed by the system administrator has been exceeded.4.7.238
closedWeb#2178 Add Stimulsoft support to PPJ Web4.7.169
closedWeb#2174 Masked fields and columns should return all the literals when the mask is completed.4.7.169
closedWeb#2169 Added SalTableColumn.AutoEllipsis for the Sys.COL_IndicateOverflow flag.4.7.36
closedWeb#2168 Added support for Vis.GetKeyState().4.7.36
closedFramework#2166 Added VisCalendarDropDown.DateTime property4.7.16
closedFramework#2164 Enhance Sort Order for Excel Filter list based on DataType of the Column4.7.169

New Features

Recently added and closed new features. Limited to 30.
closedWeb#2203 Add support for Visual Studio 20224.8.96
closedFramework#2148 Support for .NET Core4.9.2
closedWeb#2131 PPJWEB-6132 Implement lazy loading for tree view items
closedFramework#2107 PPJ-8619 List & Label: Add support for List & Label version 234.6.243
closedFramework#2104 PPJ-8424 List & Label: Implement RPT_CmdPrinterSetup and optimize RPT_CmdPrinter4.5.1058.1 (2017)
closedFramework#2100 PPJ-8242 List & Label: Add support for List & Label version 20-224.5.1058.1 (2017)
closedFramework#2098 PPJ-8160 Crystal Reports: Export to csv missing4.5.1058.1 (2017)
closedFramework#2076 PPJ-7608 Add VirtualMode for table windows4.5.1058.1 (2017)
closedFramework#2070 PPJ-7533 New property useStateImageList for outline list boxes4.5.1058.1 (2017)
closedFramework#2064 PPJ-7526 Add support for XSalHotspot functionality4.5.1058.1 (2017)
closedFramework#2061 PPJ-7400 New property AllowDraggingLockedColumns for table windows4.5.1058.1 (2017)
closedFramework#2046 PPJ-7184 Display NUMBER_Null in debugger for SalNumber instead of 04.0.1056.941
closedFramework#2042 PPJ-7162 List & Label: Added functions DomOpen, DomSave, DomClose to expose the Document Object Model4.0.1056.941
closedFramework#2040 PPJ-7141 Add Sal.TblCreateFromClass function4.0.1056.941
closedFramework#2035 PPJ-7106 Add option in app.config to load skin from a separate assembly4.0.1056.941
closedFramework#2030 PPJ-7091 Improve SCAE to avoid assignment of different types errors4.0.1056.941
closedFramework#2026 PPJ-7070 Add option to manually set into variables to avoid automatic parsing4.0.1056.786
closedFramework#2017 PPJ-7029 Added new properties UserAgent and BrowserEmulation to SalQuickHTML4.0.1056.786
closedFramework#2015 PPJ-7027 Add new property ImageSize for VisOutlineListBox4.0.1056.786
closedFramework#2002 PPJ-6950 Added new skins for Office 2010 look4.0.1056.786
closedFramework#1998 PPJ-6939 Add ISalControl support to SalBackgroundText to let labels be used in sql binding.4.0.1056.786
closedFramework#1984 PPJ-6835 New setting Scripting.Env.Strict to enforce type safety with SalCompileAndEvaluate4.0.1056.615 (2014)
closedFramework#1979 PPJ-6811 New static property DateTime.TreatMinValueAsNull4.0.1054.3132 (2012)
closedFramework#1978 PPJ-6810 New option null_minvalue_dates for sql.config4.0.1054.3132 (2012)
closedFramework#1969 PPJ-6752 New property AutocloseReaders4.0.1054.3132 (2012)
closedFramework#1959 PPJ-6679 When multiple inheritance is used Sal.GetFirstChild can fail4.0.1054.3132 (2012)
closedFramework#1950 PPJ-6591 Add support for Oracle Managed Provider4.0.1056.615 (2014)
closedFramework#1930 PPJ-6527 List & Label: Added support for List & Label 194.0.1054.2687
closedFramework#1919 PPJ-6334 Reporting Services: Switched to support ReportViewer 11 (included in VS2012)4.0.1054.2255
closedFramework#1893 PPJ-6145 Add option to specify locale to be used by application4.0.1054.2255


Recently added and closed new items in the product roadmap.
closedFramework#2148 Support for .NET Core4.9.2