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closed | Web | #2286 | SalListBox.Modified and SalComboBox.Modified are set after firing SAM_Click. | 4.9.13 |
closed | Web | #2284 | VisRadioListBox doesn't show the checkbox icons. | 4.9.13 |
closed | Web | #2283 | VisListBoxBase.AddPicture() doesn't support the selected icon, always shows the normal icon. | 4.9.13 |
closed | Web | #2287 | Add support for Microsoft.Data.SqlClient | 4.9.13 |
closed | Web | #2285 | XSal.TblSortRows() is not implemented. | 4.9.13 |
closed | Framework | #2148 | Support for .NET Core | 4.9.2 |